Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Wait is Almost Over
To me, the most impressive element of training camp and practices, has been LeBron's assertiveness...not only physically, but verbally. I think his natural maturation, thirst for greatness and his USA leadership in August has sharpened his focus, and willingness to lead...his input, along with every player for that matter, is welcomed by this coaching staff. For example today, during a scrimmage, Boobie Gibson wound up hitting a wide open corner 3, after crisp ball movement...LeBron yelled out..."run the offense, that's what I'm sayin".
Moments later, similar ball movement, Donyell Marshall this time with a 3 off Boobie's drive and kick...LB blurted out..."that's good offense"...no one gets it more than 23...and a part of this offense is him demanding the ball in the post...during this scrimmage, LeBron got it 4 times on the block...he easily scored twice and dished another time to a cutting Donyell for an easy lay-up. I just love the focus I'm seeing from him, and it sends a resounding message to everyone else, that if the super star is willing to take the next step, the rest will follow.
Even LeBron today admitted he will demand excellence from his teammates...he knows he has to as the undisputed leader. In fact, guys want him and expect him to demand it. I asked LeBron if he will become more verbal...he said, not as much as with the U.S.A. team because his voice would never hold out for 82 games. He was serious...but my guess is he will pick his spots.
See you Wednesday night from The Q on FSN Ohio and WUAB.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Preseason Coming to an End
Z smiled when I told him owner, Dan Gilbert praised him for his focus and said the big man is going to have his best year ever. Zydrunas admitted he worked extra hard this summer because it's a must when you are 32 years old, and have to stay sharp, but even more so, tasting the finals and the desire to get back has driven him even more.
Daniel Gibson did not make the trip to Toronto and Boston to take care of that hamstring. I don't think it's anything to worry about, but to play it safe, he's staying home to give it some extra care to be sure he's 100% for next week's opener. Daniel of course took some good natured ribbing from teammates about "getting out" of this two gamer...Boobie flashed that big smile and shook his head.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Back in the U.S.A.
But so many lifetime memories...
It was a bonding experience for not only the players, but for the Cavs traveling party as well, enabling us to make wonderful friendships with partners, who are fans first, bleeding Wine and Gold.
But in the end, it's great to be back in the good old USA.
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Day in Hong Kong
While the guys practiced today, the wives and members of the Cavs family spent the day in Hong Kong...we took a tram to the top of a mountain overlooking this city...and it was breath taking....if you've ever stood high above Pittsburgh from Mt. Washington, looking at the three rivers, it's that view on steroids.
Hong Kong is definitely more westernized of course, with every imaginable store and restaurant...but there are people everywhere...given its population and small area, it would be like placing two million people into Hudson.
Cars are a luxury not a necessity here...because gas is eight dollars a gallon (US) and because parking is so expensive, it costs about $1500 a month to operate and maintain a car...so, trains, busses, taxis and bicycles do the trick.
They also follow the NBA here....we gave one young fan a Cavs pin...you would have thought we handed him a $100 bill...he said "you know LeBron James??? I'm going to see him tomorrow"...He then skipped on to the boat to Macau.
We do live in a tiny world.
Tune in tonight at 12:30 a.m. (just past midnight, Cleveland time) on the Cavs radio network for Cavs and Magic.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wai from Macau
We all need our Tribe fix...no game to watch today...but just as well...we got to the hotel at 5:30 this morning (China time) so everyone in the Cavs party crashed and just about slept through breakfast.
This is the same country of course, but Macau, 800 miles southwest of Shanghai, is different in every way...from climate to currency, to language to driving on the other side of the road...and the biggest difference? This is the Las Vegas of Asia basically...we're at the brand spanking new Venetian Hotel and Casino, which has a 13,000 seat arena attached, where the Cavs and Magic will play tomorrow night(Cleveland time)...there are 15 new casinos going up as we speak...Steve Wynn has built a spectacular version of his Vegas showplace...our casino meanwhile has been packed all day.
While Mandarin is spoke in Shanghai, Cantonese is the language in Macau, which is a short ferry ride from Hong Kong...that will be the destination for the rest of the traveling party tomorrow.
This morning the Magic played the Team China All-Stars, with Moondog and the Scream Team helping provide a little entertainment...the fans here cheer both teams because they simply can't get enough of NBA level basketball...I would say they are a very polite crowd, knowledgeable to be sure, but not quite as boisterous as American crowds.
I'll give you a little flavor of Hong Kong tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tribe, Traffic, and Tiny Bikes

Go Tribe from Shanghai! All of us have been glued to the TV, watching the Tribe take care of business...even today, an 8:00 a.m. start our time, left the guys at least an hour and a half of checking out Game-4...then it's been on to the cell phones to keep tabs.
The most indelible memory of traveling around this city, will be the craziness of traffic...not just cars...but buses, bikes and scooters make this a version of dodge 'em cars at Cedar Point. Scooter riders go straight and turn right and left on RED, barely stopping...how there aren't constant collisions, I'll never know...but everyone is simply used to it. Pedestrians cross the middle of the street, almost daring to be hit...but they never are...taxis simply dodge the walkers and scooters making it a hair raising ride, and fascinating viewing from a street corner restaurant.
So, that being said...Drew Gooden and Hassan Adams went out on grabbed a couple of mini-bicycles, barely bigger than razor scooters...seeing a 6'10 power forward on a tiny little seat must have stopped traffic even in this town. I'll make sure not to tell Danny or Mike about that one...hilarious.
Monday, October 15, 2007
LBJ Makes His Mark on Shanghai
He also debuted his LeBron V edition shoes, the China edition...there was an outdoor court for this event only, with probably a couple of thousand young fans, with humongous video screens, stage lights, American rap music filling everyone's ears...the host did a great job, going bilingual, translating LeBron's message to his fans...there were all kind of signs, including "LeBron, we love you"...the highlight might have been a Chinese rap group, "DMZ" who wrote and delivered the song "He's the Man, LBJ." It was actually very good.
LeBron then ad-libbed his way into a contest, getting kids to make free throws with the promise of free basketballs for their school...that was a big hit...including LeBron, Boobie and Shannon going 3-on-3 against a high school trio of Shanghai's best. Mike Brown, I'm sure had to be thinking....guys, don't turn an ankle.
The Cavs trio was then whisked away like rock stars. Our director of broadcasting, Dave Dombrowski and I eventually had to fend for ourselves for a taxi to get back to the hotel, where English is not understood. Our driver had bad eye sight and couldn't read the hotel address on the business card...amazing how sign language comes in handy. Yes, we got back to the hotel eventually, settling for dinner at Malone's Sports Bar...no, not co-owned by assistant, Michael and Dad, Brendan.
It's off to a team photo shoot...talk to you tomorrow.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Shanghai - Day 1 Recap
We took a tour yesterday, and all of us on the bus, kept tabs on the Tribe's huge 11th inning, thanks to cell phone updates from home!!!
There is Wine and Gold all over the place here...from LeBron's bigger than life poster on the facade of the hotel (a Fathead on steroids) to a street corner video billboard with numerous revolving ads...one of them just happens to be Nike, with of course #23 in mid air, throwing one down.
It's back to practice today for the team...they got a chance to hang out and shop yesterday...a true experience in itself...and last night at the hotel, a local tailor came in armed with fabric swatches...none of us could resist the buying temptation, ordering some suits...get fitted, then have delivered 48 hours later a fitted suit at fantastic prices...AC will be jealous!!!
The general public is very well aware of who the Cavaliers are...the guys are signing plenty of autographs, including at the airport, where even the customs agents had pen and paper ready as each player filed through.
We are being made to feel extremely welcome in a city that is buzzing with activity...Shanghai is about the the size of New York City, where traffic jams are routine, even though a license plate for the year costs a motorist, $7,000. In Beijing, the Olympic city, the fee is much less, but they have 3 million cars...but you can only drive into town on either even or odd numbered days, depending upon your plate number. Here in Shanghai, as a comparison, there are 400,000 cars.
Part of the tours today, a ride on the magnet train, which gets up to 268 miles per hour, turning a normal one hour ride to the airport into a 7 minute thrill ride. Talk to you tomorrow.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Good Morning From China!
We left just after midnight Friday night, and traveled for 18 hours including a one hour refuel in Anchorage, Alaska.
The players enjoyed the comfort of first class seats...a pod which turns into a bed...Good for point guards and two guards...but not as comfy for 3-4's and 5's....as a result Z hung out with us...we all had plenty of room to spread out.
If you ever take such a trip (first one for me) stay awake as long as you can, then try and get that 7-8 hour sleep....movies sure helped.
Some guys said they ate more than they slept...a thumbs up for this airline food...never thought I'd say that.
LeBron came back to check on us in coach a few times...saying "Everybody OK? Hey, it's not as scary back here as they said it might be...." The team leader always looking out for his Wine and Gold family.
More tomorrow...or is it really today? I'm totally confused!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
A First in 25 Years for Me
Mike was talking to Brian Windhorst, Mary Schmitt Boyer, David Glazier, Joe Gabriele and yours truly about what he has been preaching to his guys this camp about hockey assists, which I had related in an earlier blog. So, to illustrate the point, Mike said "c'mon, I'll show you"…and he did…on the big screen in the Cavs new theatre room. He reviewed two plays from practice, stopping and starting, then illustrating his example of penetration and ball movement, leading to easier scoring chances.
Mike went on to say this camp has been close to a 50-50 split of practice time and emphasis on offense-defense….and I’ve seen that first hand…his first season, he felt defense was stressed 95 percent of the time, and last season, a 70-30 ratio…the point being, defense had to be established first and foremost as an identity for this team, and it has…now, the emphasis is to bolster the offense through people and ball movement to turn the Cavs into a championship team…the result will be a more fluid offense, and they will be much harder to defend.
We’ll see it on display for the first time tomorrow night at The Q against the Wizards…tune in at 7:00 p.m. on FSN Ohio.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Thoughts From Friday's Wine & Gold Scrimmage
Some random thoughts from Friday night's Wine and Gold Scrimmage...LeBron had great energy, as he has all week during training camp...he has really set the tone with his business-like approach...he had one drive from the left side at Rhodes arena, and with a typical tight spin, reversed and scored...how many times has he done that in his hometown before? Too many he couldn't even count I'm sure...LeBron had a similar score in a scrimmage this week, when he was very deep behind the bucket coming from the right side.....got in mid air and said "ah shoot" thinking he was too deep...so, he merely hung in mid air a little longer and scored on the reverse...Filthy.
Shannon Brown had a strong 3rd quarter in the scrimmage, getting in the open floor...he has really worked hard on his ball handling and decision making. Shannon had some hockey assists against the Gold squad...those are passes Mike Brown likes to refer to which set up a true assist.
When the Cavs open the pre-season Tuesday night you will notice there is commitment to ball and people movement...that's been the constant emphasis on offense in camp...get the ball down the floor, and then keep the ball moving from side to side to make the defense react.
Join us for the Cavs and Wizards Tuesday night from the at 7:00 p.m. on FSN Ohio.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The Eye in the Sky
The two-a-days are over for the Cavs as they get back to normal practice sessions here at the Cleveland Clinic Courts.
One thing missing is a camera man...at The Q, a member of the staff would physically shoot the practice drills and scrimmages for coaches to review...now, in the techno world of this facility, there are two remote control cameras above the courts...call them the eyes in the sky...the cameras can be controlled from the expansive video room and then immediately edited, and right on to the laptops of Mike Brown and his staff.
The system is so sophisticated that a play can be immediately called up from practice so Mike can show the guys on a court side monitor for immediate review if necessary.
Wonder if they'll critique the broadcasts that way???? AC just yelled, "they better not!"
P.S. Tribe in 5!! I need it to make up for all those games at the Stadium my dad took me to when the Stankees always beat us up.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
It's on to Day 3 of Camp
The biggest reaction from the players comes during a 2:00 drill, where they run a 3-man weave, sprinting the 94 feet, without the ball touching the floor...then back the other way...they do the length of the floor with 3 passes....the task is to make 20 lay-ups in that 2:00 stretch...it takes about 5-6 seconds to go the length...so, if you do the math...there is no margin for error...in fact, if the ball touches the floor, if there is a turnover or a missed lay-up, the clock starts over..22 is the high number so far, but it really gets the guys flying up and down the floor.
At the end of practice the entire team sprints up and back from the the baseline...LeBron cracks me up...he'll stay near the head of the pack, and then the final 30 feet turn it on, to make sure no one beats him....yesterday, Boobie was in the lead, LeBron took a peak at him, and turned on the jets...I don't need to tell you who hit the baseline first...I'd hate to play the guy in pool or video games...he hates losing period!!!
More tomorrow...looking forward to Friday night's Wine and Gold scrimmage at Rhodes Arena.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
First Practice is in the Books!
The facility really is incredible, from the weight room to the hydro exercise area to all the amenities...all the guys shook their heads in amazement when talking about it.
LeBron's shot looks more compact to me...he was knocking down long-rangers effortlessly...his hours and hours of work with Chris Jent has paid off...LeBron is certain you fans will see a difference on the floor...King James also said he loved doing SNL and believe it or not did not feel nervous strolling out for the opening monologue...I was nervous for him!!! The guys seemed to like his solid gold skit the best.
Time to get back to practice...the first two-a-days start today.