Sunday, January 14, 2007

Leaving Los Angeles

You know the old saying time flies when you're having fun? That really applies on a 10,000 mile, 12 day trip. Two wins already suddenly makes the legs feel a little lighter and makes you realize this tough trip is already half over with a shot to get more W's. I loved how the locker room last night was jovial...but business-like after the win.

We're getting out of town just in the nick of time.....The Golden Globes are ready to take over Beverly Hills creating traffic gridlock....that doesn't hurt Rodeo Drive walkers like Terry Bradshaw, who we saw yesterday.

It was funny last night....on one of LeBron's near and-ones, the crowd was disappointed the ball didn't go in...even Ashton and Demi said "Aww shucks!!!"

One other footnote...if you've heard of the famous Beverly Hills Nate and Al's corned beef sandwiches? They're ok but fall way short of Goodman's at Brookpark and Pearl.

Talk to you from Seattle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seattle sucks cavs will win by 20