Monday, November 5, 2007

The City by the Bay

We've moved on to the city by the bay...we're staying in San Francisco, with the next game of course in Oakland against the Warriors. Most teams stay in "The City" as the locals refer to SF...and with good's one of the best in the world, with no shortage of great eateries.

The guys practiced today at the Warriors facility, marking the first bit of contact work for Eric Snow since his knee surgery. Eric says his recuperating left knee felt okay, but he's nowhere near game condition, but this is a step in the right direction....he won't put a timetable on his return because he doesn't feel it's fair to the rest of the guys to do that...but he is encouraged with his progress.

Larry Hughes did some light work, but says his left knee is's a bruise from getting kneed by Leandro Barbosa in the first half in Phoenix. Larry hopes to be able to go against his old team, but admits the pain affects everything he does, jumping, running, cutting...but he's also relieved it's nothing, no MRI necessary...just a healthy bruise.

LeBron met with about 15 reporters today after practice...since we only come here once a season, ala Phoenix and the rest of the stops out here, LB's responses to Saturday Night Live, his summer of '07 and other topics are still fresh. For LeBron it's the same old questions of course...but he shows great patience answering each repeated inquiry with a smile and a sincere response...this was after he went through a 40:00 shooting workout after practice.

More tomorrow with hometown guy, Drew Gooden.

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